
‘Warfare and Welfare’: An inter-disciplinary study describing and analysing the impact of wars on the development of the welfare state in a number of countries.

New call for historical testimonies

The Transmemo research project on family memory about the resistance and collaboration in Belgium during the Second World War is seeking French-speaking families with a family member suspected of collaboration at the end of the war for an oral interview.

Book presentation

5 December 2018 CegeSoma. Discover the new biography about Hendrik de Man by J.W. Stutje : an in-depth reconstruction of the trajectory of an atypical intellectual in Belgian politics.

Round table

Presentation of a number of publications on the Great War on the occasion of the commemorations, 19 November 2018 CegeSoma.

Special issue Le Vif 1918-2018

31 historians from all Belgian universities analyse the struggles and challenges of the immediate postwar period.