Heritage Days : Visit Our Building !

The 2015 edition of the Heritage Days of the Brussels-Capital Region will take place on 19 and 20 September around the theme “Workshops, Factories and Offices”. The programme offers an abundance of unusual places illustrating this theme that can be visited. Our building also opens its doors, but only on 20 September.

“War & Fatherland” Colloquium in October

On 14 and 15 October, outstanding Belgian and foreign historians will debate on nationalism and collective identities during and in the aftermath of WWI. Attend this exceptional inter-university event.

The Final Disillusion: The Unmaking of Kaiser Wilhelm II in WWI

Martin Kohlrausch will speak about the Kaiser's fail to live up to his role as Warlord and commander in the Great War, during a Historikerdialog session hosted by Laurence van Ypersele at UCL on Monday, 5 October at 6:30 pm.